Q&A about SAF

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Skærmbillede 2023-01-18 kl. 10.52.51
Skærmbillede 2023-01-18 kl. 10.52.51

Questions & answers 

What are key SAF implications for airports?
Principally none. SAF (SAF blends) are considered “normal” jet fuels and handled according to same operational standard.

What an airport should consider at (master) planning, design and construction phase in terms of SAF?
Nothing - see above.

Are there any technical requirements that fuel infrastructureat the airport needs to meet? 

Yes, numerous, but nothing specific/additional for SAF.

Will SAF force increased surveillance of fuel systemfiltration systems?

What filter parameters are recommended for SAF?
Same as for conventional fuels.

Will the frequency of filter changes increase?

How to organise blending at the airport from a technical point of view? 
Blending at airport fuel depots is neither allowed, nor practical. All fuel entering the airport depot need to be “on-spec” according to latest fuel standard (the “Checklist”). Blending components that do not meet the requirements in the checklist, can not enter an airport depot.
Blending will always need to take place up-stream of airport fuel depot.

Are expected maintenance periods same for infrastructure with SAF blend (tank and infrastructure inspections, cleaning, changing filters)?
Yes, same as for conventional fuels.

Can SAF bestored as long as conventional Jet A-1? Is there no recirculation needed to maintain quality parameters?
Blending pure (100 %) SAF with conventional fuel - up-stream of airport - require mechanical blending facilities. Different technologies are available, but if not blended correctly, the two components are likely to separate into two layers. SAF (being the “lightest” component) will seek to the top of the storage tank, and conventional fuel (higher density) will separate at the bottom. Like in James Bond: “Shaken, not stirred …”.

Will any additional training be required for fuel farm/hydrant system staff when SAF will be used?

Does Sustainable in SAF have to be intended in an environmental way only? 

With SAF, the intention is to get rid of fossil oils with all their harmful effects. SAF should therefore be assessed and in the long term also meet the requirements for both environmental/climate conditions as well as for the social and economic circumstances

    Are SAF molecules different from those of conventionel fuels? Or are they the same with a different origin only?

    The molecules in the fuel blend are identical to the molecules in conventional jet fuel as the approved synthesis routes have been carefully reviewed by the industry, aircraft and engine manufactureres, regulators and military. There are no new materials in SAF which have not existed in jet fuel for decades, the fuel being within parameters (AirBP). 

    Can other sector benefit from SAF or it is an aviation matter only?

    It depends on where and when in the value chain you assess it. The raw materials for the production of SAF are also applicable to other oil-containing products such as petrol, diesel and naphtha. Depending on the technology, it is a general assessment that the concrete output will be split between SAF and the other products mentioned