This is an updated and revised 2021 version of NISA's statutes originally adopted on 11 June 2014, as well as a replacement for amendments I to the NISA Statutes of 28 October 2016 and amendments II to the NISA Statutes as adopted on 15 May 2018. This updated and revised version has been adopted at NISA GA November 11, 2021
Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (NISA) has been initiated by the Founding Members as listed in the attached NISA Members document. NISA sees itself as an active Regional Nordic association running a project for the promotion and development of a sustainable aviation industry, with a specific focus on sustainable fuels and propellants for the aviation sector.
The Association is committed, in particular, to facilitate and strengthen the conditions under which aviation can obtain commercial and continuous access to sustainable aviation fuels and future energy solutions. The Members see the formation of NISA as an efficient way to promote the development of such solutions with focus on the Nordic region.
The association is a nonprofit organization and is not foreseen to be financially or direct involved in production activities unless specifically having obtained beforehand the authorization by its Board and the General Assembly.
The Association’s name shall be Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (NISA)
The registered office and administration was initially at the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster located: Nørregade 7B, 1165 Copenhagen, Denmark. From 2015 at Danish Industry Confederations, Vesterbrogade 1L, 1620 Copenhagen, Denmark
The aviation industry is committed to become more sustainable and achieving net carbon neutral growth. This includes reducing its GHG footprint. At present, and for many years to come, there is a great need for liquid fuels.
For stakeholders in the Nordic countries, this could offer major opportunities to develop, provide and use these sustainable fuels. The main challenge is to pass from the current very few producers and test and demonstration phase to a larger commercial-scale rollout of sustainable aviation fuels. Future sustainable solutions can only be achieved through a close cooperation between relevant stakeholders and by facilitating and coordinating these opportunities in a way that ensures that synergies are in fact achieved and obstacles have been overcome. It also includes the development and roll-out of electric, hydrogen and hybrid aircraft.
To move these intentions and demands forward, steps are required to coordinate initiatives at different maturity levels (R&D, approval, demonstration plants, airport integration) as well as involving different parts of the supply chain: Investments into production facilities, feedstocks, innovative developments, logistics, distribution, , demonstration plants, customer relationships, and the like.
The initiatives of NISA are likely to positively affect a transition to cleantech development and contribute to the creation of jobs and knowhow within the area, thereby strengthening the market position for parties involved and society overall.
The association shall work with multi-stakeholder network that represent the entire supply chain and includes the entire aviation sector, fuel- and technology producers, suppliers, investors, researchers, NGO’s, politicians etc.
Its objective is to ensure:
The association will organize seminars and workshops to promote a continuous and developing dialogue. It is pivotal that NISA constantly works towards strengthening its relations and cooperation opportunities. The Project Manager/administration shall:
NISA is a “not-for-profit association”, registered as such under the CVR number 35362789, subject to Danish legislation.
The business year shall be the calendar year. The Association becomes active as from November 1st, 2013.
The organization is intended to work with its objectives and activities until otherwise decided by its members at the general assembly of the organization l.
The association's overall governing body is the General Assembly which takes place once a year during October or November. The General Assembly elects the association's Board. The Board appoints the association's Project Manager who, together with other representatives from the Board, on a daily basis is responsible for budget, personnel, activities etc.
The association is financed by its full members and associate members and will also apply for public and private funding for realizing its projects as needed. Full membership is for actors of the aviation sector. Associate membership is for stakeholders with interest and/or expertise in sustainable fuel such as producers, technology providers, suppliers, investors, advisors, researchers, NGO’s, politicians etc.
The association is composed of,
The Board can define any other membership category, including its rights and obligations, by a decision taken pursuant to Article 09 and following of these statutes. Only Full Members are entitled to vote in the General Assembly and only companies and organizations from the core aviation sector can be full members.
NISA membership, full or associate, is open to companies, organizations, institutions, NGO’s etc, taking an active part in the efforts to obtain a sustainable aviation industry, as well as supporting the sustainable aviation industry.
Actors who share the association's goals and ambitions can be associate members. It may for example be producers, suppliers, politicians, investors, NGO’s, consultants, research institutions and universities.
Honorary members are such persons or organizations that the Board deem valuable for the association. The Board has the authority to appoint one or more Honorary Members.
The association wishes to involve and cooperate with stakeholders from academia, universities, students, researcher’s, institutes, and others.
NISA board is informed about new members who meet the above. Others are submitted to the Board of for approval
All Members are allowed to participate in meetings, events, or any other activities within the association.
Leaving the association must be made in writing to the Board. For the sake of the budget paying members have 6 months’ notice. Non paying members can resign with 3 months’ notice in writing to the Board.
Resigning members are not entitled to refunds of any share of assets or contributions given to the association.
The Board may by 2/3-majority make the decision to exclude a member.
In any case, the Board will submit a report of the proceedings at the general meeting for approval
Members pay an annual membership fee according to rules defined by the general assembly.
Membership fees as per November 2013 are listed in annex 1.
Members are obliged to inform NISA on billing address. Membership fees must be settled according to the terms of payment listed on the invoice.
An annual General Assembly will be held during the October or November each year.
The agenda shall include, amongst other items:
Full members shall have one vote at the assembly. Decisions shall be adopted by simple majority of votes of the members present. In the event of a tie in the votes, the proposition is deemed to have been voted down.
For resolutions referring to changes to the statutes, the fees, dissolution of the association and the purposes of the association, 2/3- of the votes cast shall be necessary.
The General Assembly must be announced and called in writing at least 4 weeks in advance. Proposal for the agenda must be submitted at least one week before General Assembly.
An extraordinary general assembly may be convened if 2/3 of the full members in writing expressing the desire or may be initiated by a majority of the Board members.
The dissolution of the Association shall be adopted by the General Assembly according to the rules stated in article 10. The General Assembly decides on the termination of the association’s activities and its assets.
The Board is elected by the Full Members. The Board is composed of at least five members, nine at the most, and chosen among its paying Full Members.
The Board is appointed for a one-year period. Board Members can be re-elected to the Board and will not automatically be required to stand down.
The Board appoints a chairman among the board members.
The work of the Board members remains on an honorary basis and gives no right to any remuneration, unless otherwise decided and approved by the General Assembly.
In case of a resignation of a Board member, the Board can appoint a substitute member to be confirmed at the next General Assembly.
The Board is only allowed to deliberate if the majority of the members are present. Decisions are taken at the absolute majority of the attending members’ votes. In the event of a tie in the votes, the proposition is deemed to have been voted down. Decisions taken are recorded in statements signed by the Project Manager and the Secretary.
Members of the Board are allowed to mandate, by powers of attorney, one of their colleagues to represent them at a Board meeting; one member is not allowed to represent more than one colleague.
The board appoints a Project Manager for the project. The Project Manager is employed for the project and participates in board meetings. The Project Manager is responsible for day-to-day management of the association under the direction of the Board. The Project Manager and/or the chairman prepares and calls in to Board Meetings. The Project Manager is employed to an extent that can be financed by NISA's annual budget, which can be income via membership fees and any other added project funds. The detailed tasks of the Project Manager are listed in Annex 2.
The Board shall be responsible for overseeing and approving the association’s activities-, time-, and budget plan as well as duties are performed in line with purposes and tasks for the association.
Members of the Board meet at least twice each year.
Employment Rules follows the Salaried Employees Act provisions (Funktionærlovens bestemmelser).
Each board meeting plans and sets the date for the next board meeting.
The board can invite other participants to board meetings, but without voting rights. this also applies, for example, to honorary members
The first financial year is 14 months due to NISA upstart by November 2013. The financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The General Assembly elects an independent auditor to audit the accounts. .
The first NISA budget period starts November 1st 2013.
Membership fee for 2013 covers a two-month period pro rata. Hereafter membership fees cover the calendar year.
The association's budget covers salaries for staff and costs for premises and administration, telephone and data devices, travel and any fees paid to outside consultants, report writing etc.
Financing of the association's activities are conducted within the framework of the association's own budget.
Member’s participation in meetings and projects shall be at own cost.
Employee salaries and consultant fees shall be in line with corresponding positions/previous salary, all regulated by the Board and transparent to the General Assembly. Current expenses for seminars, website, travel, data devices, per diem etc will be handled in accordance with applicable standards.
The proceedings and decisions of the Board and the General Assembly shall be recorded in writing and made available for all members.
The minutes shall indicate the place, time, and the participants of the meeting as well as the respective ballot results and decisions.
The Project Manager submits agenda to Board meetings with 8 days’ notice, as well as any supplementary materials no later than two days before the meeting date.
The minutes shall be approved by Board Members present and signed (electronically also valid) by the Project Manager and the Chairman.
NGO’s, universities, and other noncommercial members are not expected to contribute financially. However, there may be situations where the circumstances justify membership payment for this category as well
All members (except honorary members) undertake to assist with a number of (in kind e.g., 50-100) hours/year.
Project management and administration of NISA and project funds
The Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management under the supervision of the Board. The project Manager convenes board meetings, draws up agendas, organizes and participates in board meetings.
- The duties of the Project Manager shall also be:
Vesterbrogade 1L
1620 København V
CVR 35362789
Phone: +45 5219 8910